Science trumped by politics in mask wars
As COVID-19 cases surge throughout the United States, so has the number of states taking a pass on statewide mask mandates. Initially, there was speculation as to whether masks should be recommended for the general public, considering the fact that workers on the frontline were struggling to obtain masks themselves. Now, there remains no viable excuse to refuse to wear a mask in public. Masks provide a safe shield for the face and aid in fighting the Coronavirus, so it seems unfathomable for one to concoct a reason to avoid such a thing.
Each new day in Wisconsin brings with it hundreds of brand new COVID cases, even pushing into the thousands. Those frightening numbers alone should hold the power in deciding the continuation of a state mandate. For instance, there is a weekly average of 778 new cases in Wisconsin alone, and pretty soon numbers like that one could reach even greater heights. Yet, many Wisconsinites aren’t nearly as phased by these numbers as others are, and continue to fight for an end to masks. By ending the mask mandate, the overall susceptibility to the virus has increased, considering there has now been a layer of our protection stripped away. The fact of the matter is, these aren’t simply statistics and numbers, these are real, human lives that are being endangered each day. It’s quite unfortunate that others have treated this virus with such carelessness, and in essence, voted for a continuation of the virus. People must wear masks to not only protect themselves, but to protect those around them and prevent more casualties from happening. It is an utterly selfish act to feel as though masks are inoperative and somehow a violation of the First Amendment. For numerous reasons that notion is wholly incorrect, for in no way does wearing a mask compromise one’s freedom of expression or speech. If others truly feel this boils down to human rights, this most certainly can probe the question: shouldn't people be entitled to the feeling of safety as well? Masks are not a political movement, they’re an item of protection; it’s that simple.
It is a true shame that the concept of wearing a mask has taken such a political turn. Masks have been scientifically proven to have an effect on the amount of Coronavirus cases in a number of counties throughout Wisconsin. 24 different counties have reported an overall decrease in the amount of COVID-19 cases, once having instituted a mask mandate. However, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected Governor Tony Evers’ orders regarding a continuation of a state-wide mandate. This partisanship reduces safety to a game of political ping pong, a microcosm for the nation as a whole. Why consult science when there are votes to be won or lost, after all? In future history books, how will these grim times (and the opportunists who capitalized on them) be remembered?
By Morgan Reitz
Oshkosh West Index Volume 117 Issue 7
April 30th, 2021