Issue 4 Spread Statistics

Of the students who chose to participate in the survey, the vast majority practice some denomination of Christianity. 25.7% of students selected “Christian (specific denomination not listed),” 11.7% practice Catholicism, 11.1% are Lutheran, and a slim 0.6% are Baptist. Therefore, a total of 49.1% of the survey participants practice some form of Christianity. 

The next leading religious affiliation was atheists, agnostics, and others who do not identify or practice a specific religion. 18.7% selected “No religious affiliation”, 12.3% selected “Atheist,” and several others responded to the “Other” option with “agnostic.” Therefore, roughly 34% of survey participants do not actively practice any particular religion. 

8% of survey participants selected “Muslim,” only 0.6% participants identify as Jewish, and another 0.6% as Buddhist. The remaining 7.7% selected “Other,” and their various responses account for the upper righthand corner of the graph that is divided into several small slivers. 

Of 145 participants, all of whom identify with a specific religion, the 37.2% majority practice said religion daily. However, 22.8% practice never or nearly never. 15.2% practice once a week, and another 15.2% practice 2-4 days a week. The remaining 9.7% selected that they only practice on special occasions, for example, only attending Christian mass on Christmas morning, or only going to the Mosque to celebrate Eid. 

Of the 128 participants who practice a religion, the 85.2% majority say it is a lifestyle they choose for themselves. The remaining 14.8% feel obligation or pressure of some sort to identify with and/or practice their religion. 

From Survey:

Why Religion? (answers from anonymous West students)

  • “It was something I grew up knowing” 

  • “It helps keep me in tune with the natural world and not get too caught up in the human world” 

  • “I just believe there is a God”

  • “I believe because of my family and I want to achieve salvation” 

  • “I am religious because I love people and God wants people to share his love with others” 

  • “I want to get to heaven”

  • “I just did what my family did” 

  • “Science” 

  • “I went to Lourdes for Elementary school” 

  • “I’ve always been Catholic, but lately I’ve started to think the Bible isn’t the supreme word of God” 

Why Not? (answers from anonymous West students)

  • “No matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to believe in a sentient higher power”

  • “It doesn't interest me, it doesn't affect me in any way. If there's a God(s), cool, if there's not, then also cool”

  • “I just never felt drawn to any belief and no one in my close family practices religion”

  • “Scientifically and logically speaking, 'God' cannot exist”

  • “The scientific explanations make more sense to me, although I don't disagree with Issac Newton's idea that there could be a god that created the perfect universe”

  • “Too much time and effort”

  • “I simply do not find sufficient evidence of a God and without it I feel I do not have any reason to practice”

  • “My brain has to see things in order to believe them, and I have never seen God. There is also a scientific explanation for everything”

  • “Because religion is flawed, and we should focus on living our best life because it could be the only one we get”

  • “Nothing feels right”

by Jazmine Blustin

Published February 3rd, 2025

Oshkosh West Index Volume 121 Issue IV

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