A liberal and conservative take on the presidential debates

Trump builds case as Biden hides behind political doubletalk, empty promises

President Donald Trump faced Joe Biden in a much more civilized second debate (thank you, muted microphones) on October 22. This was the last chance for both candidates to show their worth to the American people. Particularly for Donald Trump, a man known for his temper, this was one last time to prove to the American people that he indeed was capable of remaining calm, collected, and presidential. He managed to provide facts and not spin out of control, largely achieving that goal.

Candidate Joe Biden seemed to lose stamina by the end of the debate, losing coherence as time went on. Particularly on the issue of fracking, Biden found himself in a pickle: opposing statements that he would, or would not, ban fracking made the candidate look smug--his flip-flopping stance an attempt to keep American voters unaware of his true intentions. 

Foreign policy also proved to be a weak spot for the Vice President, who, when asked on foreign policy and his son’s involvement in China and Russia, obfuscated by looking into the camera and telling us that this is about us, our families, our dinner tables...a classic politician-dodge known as “make creepy eye contact with the voter when you don’t like the question."

Biden claimed that Trump is “all talk, no action.” However, Biden, after being in Washington for almost half a century, has never successfully implemented policy (besides the 1994 Crime Bill, that is). Biden blamed his ineffectiveness as Vice President on a Republican Senate, but this seemed to underscore a recurring theme: that it is not a senator’s, not vice president’s post, or an ability to affect change, that matters to Biden. It is merely the attempt to win the Oval Office he cares about--even if it means going against his word. This makes me wonder whether Biden really has any concrete policies, or if the Democratic party just put Biden on the ticket in a last-ditch attempt to get Trump out. Personally, I put my money on the latter.

 The whole debate Biden kept saying “Trump did this, Trump did that;” however, he failed to distinctly outline his own plans constantly avoiding the question--even his COVID-19 plan is almost identical to Trump’s. This is the contrarian rhetoric that fuels much of politics today. It’s no longer about a candidate himself having good ideas, it’s about his ability to “own” and rip on his opponent at all costs.

This debate was Trump’s last chance to show the American people that he has a presidential side and reflect on his policy over his three years in office. As for Biden, his performance full of scripted look-into-the-camera-and-talk’s, politician-esque moments made it not one bit of a surprise that most of his supporters are just “settling for Biden.” He claims he has new, invigorating policies to revitalize the nation...it just makes me wonder why he didn’t implement any of it during his 47 years in Washington.

By Zade Alzoubi

Oshkosh West Index Volume 117 Issue II

October 30th, 2020

Biden/Harris clean floor with Republican clown show to make case for November 3

It comes as no surprise that the 2020 series of Presidential and Vice Presidential debates has been interesting to say the least. The three debate series took place over the months of September and October, which all leads up to the presidential election on November 3rd. This election promises to be crucial simply because of the pandemic, the burden that has been placed on the lives of millions. The chaos of these debates has no doubt made it very hard to develop a solid opinion, especially being a first time voter. 

The first debate, the most chaotic of the three in my opinion, was held on September 29 and shocked Americans due to the lack of structure and respect between the two candidates. Although the entire debate was full of arguments and voicing over one another, Joe Biden comes to light as the true “winner,” whatever that may mean in light of this disorderly night. Both candidates wasted time trying to trump the other’s voice and opinion. However, this may not be a clear display of Biden’s character. During his eight years of Vice Presidency, Joe Biden was able to carry himself and speak to the nation just as a leader should. I do not believe that Donald Trump has done the same. He does not have the same stature of presidents we have seen in the past and many claim him as unfit to lead our country. For this reason and in addition to his theories and policies, many Republicans, both in office and out, have made it clear that they will not be voting to re-elect President Trump come November, the top of this list including former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney, who ran for office in 2012. These men know what it takes to be a leader in this country and with that being said, it is likely that their opinions should be taken largely into consideration. In regards to the debate, I do believe that there were moments in which Joe Biden stooped to the level of President Trump; however, I think I would do the same if someone else couldn’t even let me get a sentence or two out. Not many clear conclusions can be drawn from the first debate regarding policy, although it was the topic of white supremacy that disturbed me most. When President Trump was asked to denounce white supremacists right then and there, he spent some time pondering the idea and then proceeded to tell the Proud Boys (a violent, far right group) to “stand back and stand by.” All the president had to do was denounce white supremacy, but he instead avoided the topic and seemingly dismissed one of these groups. It’s very difficult to declare a winner on policy in this debate, but Biden wins in the human decency area along with respect and manners.

The second debate that took place was between Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence; both contenders for the vice presidential position. It’s no secret that this debate was astronomically different than the first. There was much more debate regarding current issues and policy rather than focus on whose voice was louder. Harris, a very skilled orator and debater, used her voice to edge out Vice President Pence. Our Vice President used similar tactics to that of Mr. Donald Trump, going over his time in addition to ignoring the rules of a common debate. Senator Harris spent time putting up with it as she said, “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking...I’m speaking.” Talk about a strong presence, right? All Senator Harris had to accomplish to win this debate was point out the flaws of the Trump Administration. She did just that, focusing on the issues involving the response to COVID-19 in the United States along with his attempts to remove Obamacare amidst this pandemic. Harris pointed out President Trump's failure to pay his federal taxes and reluctance to condemn white supremacy a few weeks back. Pence refuted these points in claiming that the Trump Administration has done many great things for the environment and that the administration has been listening to scientists over the course of the last eight to nine months. These claims are almost laughable considering the state of our environment with the high levels of carbon emissions and warnings, from scientists, of global warming. And listening to the scientists? President Trump has been holding large, maskless rallies around the country to boost his campaign over the past few months; a time in which the current pandemic has been at its worst. Harris proved to Americans that she could fill the seat of Vice President come January 2021 by keeping her composure along with speaking out about the falsehoods that come with the Trump Administration. 

The final Presidential debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump took place on Thursday, October 22. This debate was far less contentious than the last, however, many claim that Biden was able to answer the moderator’s questions most directly. Again, Biden’s goal had been to avoid saying something that could harm his campaign so close to the election; he was able to accomplish this goal. Trump needed a game changer to boost his campaign so close to the election, but he did not get one. Trump's answers regarding the coronavirus and healthcare may come back to haunt us in the weeks that will follow. Many wanted to see President Trump take responsibility for the handling of the pandemic, but, yet again, he was reluctant and claims we will have the virus under control very soon with the development of a vaccine. In regards to the pandemic, Biden was able to elaborate on his plan to assist the economy and those in need of healthcare during these unprecedented times. One of the most memorable moments of the debate came when President Trump called himself the least racist person in the room in addition to the least racist president, with the small exception of Abraham Lincoln. Judging by the lack of justice, which former Vice President Joe Biden was able to talk about, I wouldn’t go so far as to call President Trump the least racist President that we’ve had. Overall, Biden continued to appeal to voters by keeping his composure along with introducing his policies to combat injustice, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The polls still remain extremely close when looking at the country as a whole. That being said, it’s more important now than ever to get out and vote. Wisconsin is one of the crucial swing states and could possibly determine the outcome of the election with ten electoral college votes. Get out and vote November 3rd!

by Kennedy Benesh

Oshkosh West Index Volume 117 Issue

October 30th, 2020

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