AI: Helpful tool of interaction or dystopian demon of darkness?
Sick of friends taking forever to respond to snaps? Snapchat has a solution with the new AI feature that dropped in April of 2023. This new feature uses the same technology as ChatGPT and can provide homework answers, fashion advice, and even comments on pictures it receives. Artificial intelligence combines computer science with problem solving, and gives technology the ability to respond to input in “human-like” ways. But the human element brought to SnapChat raises some questions: what is this new form of intelligence? Is it a threat?
Well, no. Artificial intelligence is nothing new; in fact, it’s been on the rise since the early 1950s. However, the development of AI’s applicability has been extremely rapid, and this technology has made its way onto some of the world’s favorite apps. According to SnapChat, AI was an addition made to improve users’ experience on the app, and was intended as a tool to help new users navigate. SnapChat views this as a creative tool, but many users have differing opinions. While some are loving this new technology, others are very skeptical and are fighting to slow the influence of artificial intelligence.
One common concern is that SnapChat has yet to release a way to remove the feature. Parents are especially upset about this as many are hesitant about letting their children use AI as a toy. There is also some concern surrounding privacy, as the AI can see their location (if they’re not on ghost mode). This strikes even more paranoia for parents with kids on the app. But the paranoia overall isn’t justified. It’s just simply that, paranoia. Although difficult, there are ways to get rid of the “MyAI.”
The news spread about Snapchat’s release of the AI Bot, and users ran to their phone to experience this new feature. Despite fears, Snapchat created this feature to further advance their interactiveness with their users, not to steal information or track locations. The AI bot essentially holds the answers to almost every question one can possibly have. This bot responds in less than 10 seconds, so an instant answer is guaranteed.
This obviously raises the temptation of plagiarism and using the app to write papers. However, with ChatGPT becoming a source of student’s essays, many teachers are already using AI detectors to ensure academic integrity. Also, potential malfeasance does not make this a bad or dangerous tool. The fear of something non-human having personal information can be scary, but it’s not dangerous. But, there are many other features of the app that scare its users.
Another popular part of this feature is that it has the ability to observe the snaps it receives and can respond with comments relating to it. Though it’s gotten positive feedback, many find it creepy and strange that the AI is able to do that. But this is simple analysis: the AI takes the picture, analyzes it, and responds accordingly. There is nothing crazy in relation to the power that AI can wield. SnapChat users now see this as a problem because the resource is now at their fingertips.
Another feature of this Snapchat AI is that it can recommend locations to visit during free time. This should only work if the location is turned on, this still tends to get very creepy and disturbing. However, any person added on SnapChat already has access to a user’s location. The AI simply takes the information to recommend places nearby.
AI is constantly developing more advanced features. The possibilities are endless and many companies are adding it to their platform. As AI continues to grow, many jobs are becoming less and less prominent in the work industry (such as tech and media jobs). AI can design and generate advertisements in seconds, and this appeals to business owners as they don’t require a paycheck. The people who held positions like this before face unemployment, and with the job field shrinking with the rise of AI, finding a new job will prove even harder.
The world already faces extreme unemployment today, and if AI keeps trending in its current direction, these rates will only rise. However, it is important to remain optimistic. Humans have the vast ability to adapt to changes and challenges thrown at them, and will likely find a way to overcome this issue too. This could mean limiting AI’s assumption of jobs, or new regulations to balance the money the AI positions would have made. Either way, artificial intelligence is changing everything from the workforce and how consumers use phones, and it is up to those users to seek the benefits of AI while allowing humans to achieve their fullest potential. While this is completely true, MyAI on snapchat hardly constitutes stealing jobs. But that does not denounce the general dangers of AI as a whole.
Just because something is scary does not necessarily mean that it’s dangerous. AI can be an interesting and helpful resource for students here at West and across the world.
by Haniya Mecci and Jasmine Blustin
Published on May 22, 2023
Oshkosh West Index volume 119 Issue VIII