Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down...
Thumbs Up…
...To March Madness for returning for the first time since 2019, an exciting event that gives fans an astronomically low chance to win $1 billion dollars of Warren Buffet’s money.
...To US adults all being eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations by May 1st, a light at the end of a long, plague-ridden tunnel.
...To spring break; while travel is difficult for most, nobody can complain about a week off from school and waking up to an alarm.
...To $1,400 stimulus checks hitting the pockets of Americans this month; it may increase our national debt by trillions of dollars, but it gives those struggling a helping hand for the time being.
...To medical drama shows like The Good Doctor and Grey’s Anatomy for donating medical supplies ranging from masks and gloves to new equipment.
Thumbs Down…
...To the rise of anti-Asian-American hate crimes, a heinous display of racism that epitomizes the ugliness of humanity.
...To The Grammy Awards; several artists including Super Bowl LV headliner The Weeknd have boycotted the awards for reasons including secret committees and a lack of representation and transparency.
...To the several US States lifting mask mandates; while we turn a positive corner with the vaccine rollout, easing restrictions for some, it seems like a terrible idea, especially for those unvaccinated.
...To the cancellation of the Memorial Day marching band performance, a West band tradition for decades.
...To mounting tension between the United States and Russia; tensions have increased to the point where Russia has pulled their ambassador from Washington.
By Joe Mayo
Oshkosh West Index Volume 117 Issue VI
March 25th, 2021