Taxpayers face hard choices on April 1 as referendum steers future of district buildings

On April 1, a day of foolery and impractical jokes, Wisconsin voters will face serious decisions at the polls. One of the considerations the Oshkosh community will face is whether or not to approve phase two of the Oshkosh Area School District’s (OASD) four-part plan centered around modernizing the district’s learning facilities. 

The first part of the referendum had similar motives to that of the second, and concluded in 2024 with the addition of Menominee Elementary. Webster Stanley Elementary, Washington Elementary, and Merrill Elementary and Middle School were closed or demolished, and have since been consolidated into Vel Phillips Middle School and Menominee Elementary. 

If passed, the second phase will enact similar efforts on the west side of town. Both South Park and Tipler Middle School will be eliminated or repurposed, and Roosevelt and Shapiro Elementary schools are set to close as well. A consolidated middle school would be built on the Shapiro site, and several elementary schools would receive significant renovations to accommodate more students. Additionally, the second phase improves recreational/performing arts facilities with the addition of a rec department at Tipler and auditorium at North. 

While the first two phases primarily focus on rejuvenating K-8 learning environments, phases three and four intend to renovate both West and North. The OASD school board will begin to investigate the high schools’ needs further upon the completion of phase two. However, contrary to rumor, a condensed high school is not in the cards, as the board has decided that two high schools are more feasible, manageable, and appropriate for the community. 

A common question among community members is why the School Board is deciding to renovate the facilities now. The primary reasons are due to student safety concerns and an effort to preserve community resources, as fewer buildings equate to lower maintenance costs. Additionally, they observed a declining birth rate in Oshkosh as well as 71% of Wisconsin public schools. In the 2017-2018 school year, there were nearly 10,000 students enrolled, and that number has dropped to just over 9,100 in 2023-24. 

“Declining enrollment requires us to really right sizing the number of buildings that we have so we can most efficiently serve our students moving forward,” OASD Superintendent Dr. Bryan Davis said. 

Another common concern is how the $197.8 million dollar project will be paid for and what this means for the taxpayers of Oshkosh. Fortunately, the referendum would have a $0 increase to the school debt levy as it will be balanced with funding to pay off previous projects. The district has also been intentional in planning its finances to manage the four phase facilities plan that was originally developed in 2019. In addition, there was a 5.05% ($3.5 million) decrease in the school debt levy from the previous school year to the current one. 

“That’s mainly due to prepaying debt from previous referendums,” Dr. Davis said. “It’s resulted in increased state aid and has lowered the burden for local property taxes.” 

However, the ultimate decision lies in the hands of the community, and even if phase two is not passed and completed in the upcoming years, the city can still expect changes. For instance, emergency repairs may be required at South Park. In May 2020, this project was estimated to cost $7.8 million, but the school board expects that estimate to increase in upcoming years. 

“We don’t want to stick money into a building that is 120 years old,” Davis said, “but we might have to do that as we move forward if the referendum does not pass.” 

Regardless of the turnout on April 1, the community will bid farewell to Shapiro STEM Elementary due to declining enrollment, and those students will consolidate into the other west side elementary schools. 

Lastly, failure to pass the referendum will also bring failure to achieve the district’s annual operations savings goal. 

“We will continue to run inefficiently for the number of students that we’re serving,” Davis said. 

If the referendum doesn’t pass, the school board intends on reaching out to the community to find out why, and will make adjustments accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the referendum, use the resources provided below to seek additional information. 

Referendum Website:

Call: 920-424-0395


Four Phases Timeline

2017 :

The project began after the completion of a repair cost outline that found it would cost over 100 million dollars to repair the 21 OASD schools. 


Smith Elementary closed leaving 20 schools in need of repair. 

The community engaged in a survey about consolidation options. 

The Facility Advisory Committee recommended consolidation and modernization of OASD schools. 


In February, the School Board unanimously approved a four-phase plan to consolidate the schools according to the Facility Advisory Committee’s recommendations. 

In November, phase one was approved and work began. 


After the Facility Advisory Committee 2.0 assessed co-curricular facility needs, the long range facilities plan was updated with the co-curricular recommendations which include: 

  • A Performing Arts Center at Oshkosh North

  • Community Recreation Center (with indoor court and turf)

  • Aquatic Center 

  • Outdoor Competition and Practice Facility 


In August, Vel Phillips Middle School was completed. 


In August, Menominee Elementary School was completed. 


On January 8, the school board approved phase two. 

On April 1, the community will vote and decide whether or not to approve Phase Two of the four phase consolidation plan.


North Auditorium

Current Problems: 

Oshkosh North does not have an appropriate performance space for their band, choral, and orchestra students. Every year, they rent space at the Grand for their musical performances, and the Alberta Kimball is utilized throughout the year as well to host North band, orchestra, and choir concerts. Music Department Chair and North Choir Director Bridget Duffy-Ulrich has navigated the difficulty in sharing one performance space for the entire Oshkosh Area School District (OASD). 

“When we build our music department calendar, it’s like this giant puzzle that ultimately doesn’t work because we’re all sharing one space,” she said. “Last year alone the Alberta Kimball hosted 478 events throughout the year.” 

Currently, North has a lecture hall space that substitutes for a proper auditorium locale. However, the tiny stage, insufficient seating, and the lack of wing space and dressing rooms exacerbate the ability to properly perform. Even when the lecture hall is utilized, hauling equipment to the stage is an utter disaster. 

“Students who want to perform on the stage need to go through the art room to even access the stage,” Duffy-Ulrich said. “This means that for a band concert, they need to bring timpani drums, marimbas, percussion instruments, and keyboards through the art room and onto the stage, and there aren't ramps so getting those instruments on and off is not easy.”

Not only is the crammed setting hazardous for students, it is also difficult for audience members to receive quality visual and auditory entertainment. The stage is extremely dark due to burnt out and faulty lighting, and both the lightboard and soundboard are extremely outdated. Modernizing the space would bring vast opportunities to students, extending beyond the music department. 

“We would be able to use it all the time for a lot of different functions,” Duffy-Ulrich said. “This includes K-12 concerts, plays, guest speakers, school assemblies and events.” 

Referendum’s Solution: 

Build an auditorium space that Oshkosh North can use to prepare, practice, and perform to enhance the District’s Performing Arts program. The Fine Arts area would receive renovation, and the auditorium would expand into the parking lot as seen in the blueprint below. 

Predicted Cost: $22.1 million 

Predicted Timeline:

December 2025-June 2026: Design Process for Oshkosh North Auditorium 

October 2026: Construction Begins 

July 2027: North Auditorium Complete 

Middle School Consolidations: 

Current Problems

One of the most recent changes to the referendum was moving the new middle school to what was previously Shapiro Elementary instead of building it on the South Park site. This was due to an airport zoning code change that restricts large gatherings in airport landing/departure zones. Unfortunately, South Park Middle School is located directly in the middle of one of the North-South runways at Whitman Field, adding to the lengthy list of hazards the 120 year old building entails. 

South Park’s elderly age and poor condition is one of the district’s greatest concerns. South Park Principal Joe Pitsch has dealt with some of the building’s recent creaks and cracks that stunted the safety of students and staff. 

“Our phenomenal maintenance staff had to replace a couple floors in the art classroom because the floors were splintering up so badly that we almost had a couple injuries,” he said. 

The gymnasium space also creates safety and accessibility barriers with its concrete steps and observation balconies. It is very difficult for students in wheelchairs to access this space and, in many other areas of the building, they are required to take different routes to access classrooms due to modern additions that were not part of South Park’s original model. Pitsch feels this generates a great social barrier and would love to create an environment suitable for all. 

“If you’re by yourself in a back hallway, it’s not a great environment and it really affects student interactions,” he said. 

However, all of South Park’s students face their own share of difficulties due to insufficient space in the aging classroom spaces. 

“Our classrooms are small, each one is about 180 square feet less than the recommended size. It’s challenging to get students up and moving because we’re on top of each other at times,” Pitsch said. “Space helps tremendously when you’re talking about collaboration and engagement within the classroom.” 

The faulty temperature regulations also do a number on student’s ability to focus. 

“After an assessment they did on our windows, they said it would be best to keep them all shut,” Pitsch said. “This takes away the breeze or draft and makes it hard to keep kids cool on hot days.”

Pitsch strongly believes that air conditioning would be in student’s best interest, and the referendum intends on conditioning the new middle school, as well as several elementary schools who currently lack the luxury (unfortunately, folks at West will have to wait a few years for the privilege to be extended). 

“Having air conditioning and heating would be ideal so that we’re able to consistently keep the humidity out,” he said. “Kids would be able to focus better and we want all of our kids to be engaged in the classroom so that they can learn in a focused environment.” 

Referendum’s Solution

The west side middle schools will go from three to two, with the combining of South Park and Tipler in a modernized building at the Shapiro site. The consolidated space will eliminate the safety concerns at South Park, while saving money by reducing the number of buildings to maintain. Additionally, the Shapiro site is two acres larger than South Park, and it is in a less congested area to ease student pick up and drop off. 

Predicted Cost: 

  • New Middle School at Shapiro Site: $88 million 

Predicted Timeline: (this is a preliminary schedule and is subject to change)

October 2025-October 2026: Design Process for New Middle School at Shapiro Site 

May 2027: New Middle School Construction Begins 

July 2028: Westside Middle School Revise Attendance Zones 

August 2028: New Middle School Complete 

Elementary School Consolidations and Pre-K Facility: 

Current Problems: 

The district is greatly concerned with the wellbeing of its littlest learners, especially those in the pre-K system, which is currently divided among nine locations throughout Oshkosh. These include Carl Traeger, Oakwood, and Shapiro Elementary schools, Davis Child Care Center, Peace Preschool, and both Oshkosh YMCA locations. Beth Schendel, the Oshkosh Area School District’s Principal of Early Learning, emphasizes the difficulties of the current situation. 

“There are many inconsistencies in pre-K education and some barriers in providing seamless supports for our students,” she said. “If all of our services were in one place, our adults could wrap support around students in a way that means no matter what time of day it is, and no matter what students need, it’s all right there.” 

Research shows a pre-K center would create more efficiency for the entire district, even on an economic level, according to Superintendent Dr. Bryan Davis.

“If we develop a pre-K center, we’d be able to eliminate over half a million dollars in leases that we have on an annual basis,” he said. 

Early development education resources are currently spread out, so it sometimes takes 15 minutes for students to receive the help they need, due to transportation time between facilities. A new space would allow immediate access to early literacy, math, and social development curricula, tailored spaces for special education students, and a central hub for families and community resources to connect. Student’s access to before and after school care programs would remain the same, as transportation would be provided to and from via a bus route similar to what is currently available. 

The west side elementary schools face similar difficulties as their counseling, physical education, and arts program have their attention divided among various schools. 

“We hope to bring those services together so that we can give staff full time positions under one roof,” Davis said. “We also know mental health concerns can arise at any given moment and want to have coverage at all schools and at all times.” 

Referendum’s Solution: 

Shapiro and Roosevelt Elementary schools will be closed and consolidated into the remaining westside elementary schools. The Shapiro site will be repurposed to build a new middle school, and the district will seek to sell the Roosevelt building. 

Additions to Carl Traeger will increase its capacity from 423 to 600 students, Oakwood will be expanded to increase its capacity from 383 to 600 students, and Franklin will be expanded to increase its capacity from 307 to 600 students. 

At Emmeline Cook, Read, and Lakeside, air conditioning will be installed to enhance student’s ability to focus on hot days. 

Tipler will be repurposed into a Pre-K and recreational center to cater to the early development needs in Oshkosh so that all of their needs can be met in one place. 

Predicted Cost: 

  • Carl Traeger Elem. Expansion: $5.4 million

  • Franklin Elem. Expansion: $31.1 million

  • Oakwood Elem. Expansion: $35.7 million 

  • Pre-K Center and Recreational Facilities at Tipler: $9.7 million 

  • Air-conditioning at Emmeline Cook ES, Lakeside ES, and Read ES: $5.8 million 

Predicted Timeline: (this is a preliminary schedule and is subject to change)

Elementary School Consolidations:

April-August 2025: Design Process for Carl Traeger Expansion

April-December 2025: Design Process for Franklin Elementary and Oakwood Elementary 

February 2026: Carl Traeger Elementary Construction Begins 

April 2026: Franklin Elementary and Oakwood Elementary Construction Begins 

August 2026: Carl Traeger Elementary School Expansion Complete 

March 2027: Franklin and Oakwood Elementary Move into their Additions

August 2027: Franklin and Oakwood Elementary Construction Complete, Westside Elementary Schools Revise Attendance Zones 

July 2028-TBD: Roosevelt Elementary Closure and Sale 

Pre-K and Rec Center: 

December 2026-April 2027: Pre-K and Rec Center at Tipler is Designed and Finalized 

June 2028: Construction Begins 

November 2028: Pre-K and Rec Center Complete

by Jazmine Blustin

Published March 17th, 2025

Oshkosh West Index Volume 121 Issue VI

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