Members found not to be in violation of board policy following Facebook flap
A civilian complaint submitted on January 8 alleged that Board of Education members Timothy Hess and Kelly DeWitt were using false social media accounts to spread opposition about the April 1 referendum vote. The Facebook accounts, operated under the names Mike Melter and Missy Green, were allegedly used in violation of board policy. Following a thorough investigation conducted by a third party, however, the actions were found to not have breached board policy or the law, though they were officially tied back to Hess and DeWitt. The accounts were used to make several statements, not only in opposition to the referendum, but also in support of the candidates themselves. Hess specifically, under the guise of Mike Melter, urged voters to appoint him and advocated against his opponent, Stephanie Carlin.
According to Board President Beth Wyman, it is nearly impossible to be removed from the board.
“We are very limited in consequences for action,” she said. “Wisconsin does not allow school boards to remove board members unless illegal action has taken place. Our legal counsel did not find anything illegal with their actions, though their behavior was deceitful.”
Sophomore Brekken Urban was one of many calling for consequence.
“I feel they should face some repercussions from the school board,” he said.
Urban expanded on the ethical aspects of the situation.
“What they did was morally wrong, but not legally,” he said.
Adam Bellcorelli, prominent community member and former school board candidate, had a slightly different perspective.
“I would hope the embarrassment of people finding out is enough dissuasion,” he said.
Hess and DeWitt released a joint statement, thankful they were not found to have violated board policy.
“We are pleased that the Board’s investigation found the complaint to be without merit.”
They claimed that the investigation against them was not a genuine concern, but an attack to silence them.
“We believe the complaint filed by the citizen in question was nothing more than a partisan attempt to cause division among the Board and censure views and opinions with which the complainant disagrees.”
They did not, in the statement, deny ownership of the accounts. As someone with experience in the limelight, Bellcorelli understood the drive to conceal one’s identity as a politician.
“When you put your name online, as a candidate, there can be awful, hurtful and threatening things said to you,” he said. “So fundamentally, I understand the want to hide.”
However, Bellcorelli noted that part of the description of a public figure is being able to put yourself out there.
“The burden to put your name and information on display is part of the responsibility of being an elected official,” he said. “There is always the chance of meeting a candidate in public. If you make up a fake name and fake person, you take away that chance of running into that person.”
Board Member Molly Smiltneek made a statement about how she chooses to conduct herself considering the way that her actions remain under constant surveillance.
“As a person and a school board member, I always try to act with integrity and to be open, honest and transparent in my views,” she said. “I hold myself accountable to a standard higher than I hold anyone else.”
Bellcorelli believes this lack of transparency, found in Hess and DeWitt’s actions, conflicts with how an elected official should act.
“The best way to handle our beliefs is to fully embrace them,” he said.
Wyman believes this trend of opacity in terms of views and communication with the public is concerning for what it represents among elected officials and the general population.
“It is very easy to hide behind an alternative identity,” she said. “When you do that, there is no personal accountability for your words.”
Bellcorelli said a lack of accountability regarding decorum of public officials could mark a breakdown of the courtesy inherent in local elections.
“There is a level of civility that comes with the possibility of a face to face interaction, that doesn’t exist on social media,” he said.
Wyman pointed out important takeaways from this situation on the side of the consumer.
“Take everything with a grain of salt,” she said. “Do not believe words just because they are written on a site you frequent. Do your own research and question everything.”
by Isaac Considine-Buelow
Published March 17th, 2025
Oshkosh West Index Volume 121 Issue VI