Bleacher Report puts fans in play
Far-too-personal photos and posts are already at society’s disposal at the click of a button, so, hey, why not add sports to the list? With the NFL season and UEFA Champions League just getting started, the world’s favorite sports have the masses overcome with an obsession much too fervent to contain. Always eager to hear who won the game and always eager to find out how that venerated player (Aaron Rodgers) performed, it’s no surprise everyone dedicates so much time to keeping up with the latest in sports. Luckily, Bleacher Report makes this a much more accessible task. With updates on every sport, this notification-based app provides subscribers with an outlet to the entire world of sports.
With customized settings, the app caters to exact interests and needs. Selecting a sport, player, or topic funnels out the news in which viewers have no interest, a feature that ensures the app won’t be seen as annoying or irrelevant. From league news like the latest transfer or trade rumors to the latest in team or player rankings, Bleacher Report’s notifications are instantaneous, keeping app-users in the know at all times.
Founded by David Finocchio in 2007, this is quite simply a vital app for major sports fans created by major sport fans. Starting as no more than an irrelevant newsfeed with little traction, the ingenious and much needed idea grew into one of the most popular apps in the U.S. Wanting to appeal to a demographic larger than only those who loved the game, it incorporates aspects of sport style trends within the app. New releases in shoes, trend forecasting in jersey style, uniform watches, and other updates keep fans aware of what apparel is out of date, and what will be hitting the shelves soon. This makes Bleacher Report something useful to people who’d like to use the application for more than just fun, giving an organized sense of seasonal trends.
Yet for those who want no more than to delve into their favorite sport, fear not: The House of Highlights tab imitates a Vine-like feature for your entertainment. With videos of wacky people doing outrageous stunts, tricks, shots, everything from 360° dunks to insane golf trick shots are available at the click of a button.
Widening the scope from your particular sports of interest to the general sport world isn’t hard. The homepage provides an organized and constantly-updated look at everything happening at the moment. From the most specific details and stats to the most general, Bleacher Report erases the need to Google search any questions, providing an organized and efficient approach to the ultimate sport statistics consumption.
In a fast-paced world, staying up-to-date on NFL games or Cristiano Ronaldo’s game stats can become a tedious task, distracting from those daily responsibilities. However, Bleacher Report provides the solution, with an unparalleled sport database. Literally every detail of every sport is on the app, making Bleacher Report somewhat of a necessity to sport fans both big and small.