Carpenter makes short work of sweetening latest release to tempt fans

A few extra songs was all it took to make Short and Sweet even sweeter. Sabrina Carpenter, who grew to fandom through her career as a Disney Channel actress, gained immense popularity with her hit single “Espresso”. The song quickly became one of the biggest songs of 2024, with its tone encapsulating the feeling of summertime. Released in April 2024,the song  was only the beginning of Carpenter’s meteoric rise to fame. In June, the singer released “Please Please Please,”  another smash hit that was nearly as popular as “Espresso.”  In August, she released her full album, Short and Sweet, a reference to not only the length of the album itself but Carpenter’s small stature. The album proved to be yet another hit, although its advertised shortness left listeners unsatisfied. This Valentine’s Day, Carpenter released Short and Sweet Deluxe, putting the cherry on top of her dominant year.

As expected from its title, this album adds four new songs and one remix. The remix, for the aforementioned “Please Please Please,” features the much beloved country artist Dolly Parton. The feature of this icon built heavy anticipation for the song. In reality, the remix was not quite what fans were expecting. The main issue is that it turns what is supposed to be an upbeat pop song into a country tune, with banjo and all. While this adds a unique twist, it does beg the question of whether or not “Please Please Please” needed this brand new twist. While the answer is debatable, it’s no question that Parton’s talents are appropriate for songs like “Slim Pickins,” which already incorporate the country feel.

As for the original songs, the first is “15 Minutes.” Based around the lyric “I can do a lot with 15 minutes,” the song’s lyrics match the vibe of the album's other singles, being playfully cheeky in tone and innuendos. The song is up tempo and fast paced, matching with the idea the lyrics put forth. Interestingly, the deluxe tracks add about 15 minutes on to the album, proving Carpenter’s clever wordplay is deeply interwoven into her music.

Placed right after “Please Please Please ft. Dolly Parton,” “Couldn’t Make It Any Harder” takes a more melancholic turn. A heartfelt ballad, the song gives Carpenter’s stunning vocals the chance to shine. The lyrics deal with becoming gradually more emotionally detached from her lover because of previous heartbreaks. Although her more upbeat songs gained the most attention, ballads like “Couldn’t Make It Any Harder” manifest Carpenter’s ability to forge emotional songs that light  up. To go along with the new song is an accompanying music video. The video serves as a sequel to the original “Please Please Please.” In the original video, Carpenter teams up with her then boyfriend Barry Keoghan to break out of jail before he once again gets arrested in the end. As for the new video, it sees Parton and Carpenter driving a pickup truck with a man sitting in the cargo bed who is believed by fans to be Keoghan.

The next song, “Busy Woman,” showcases the flippant confidence that Carpenter employs throughout the album. The main idea that Carpenter conveys through the song is that if her love interest wants her, she will fit him in her schedule, but it doesn’t really matter because of her packed life. Carpenter’s lyrics are once again what make her shine, echoing the confidence arising from her artt. The song seems to reflect Carpenter’s own stardom, as she is in fact busy with creating music and is still embarking on her Short N Sweet Tour. Beyond its superficial meaning, the song is all about self love and prioritizing one’s own needs. 

Wrapping up the album, “Bad Reviews” examines how people try to criticize Carpenter’s relationships. However, she is determined to ignore them because, against her better judgment, she is in love with him. The production of the song is simple but the short instrumental break adds a nice twist to it.

Ultimately, Short and Sweet Deluxe adds five  new songs to Carpenter’s delightful Short and Sweet. Though there are flaws, the addition to the album is appreciated and catchy. These 15 additional minutes reflect the reasons for Carpenter’s rapid rise to fame. Her satirical applications to critique and rejection of conflicts set her among  some of the decade’s best artists.

Grade: B+

Blurb: Sabrina Carpenter’s Short and Sweet Deluxe makes for a sugary sweet addition to the album, yet small complications such as a country twist on “Please Please Please” leave a sour taste.

by Chloe Lusvardi

Published March 17th, 2025

Oshkosh West Index Volume 121 Issue VI

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